Articles by Simon Zhen
Boost Returns With a CD Ladder
Using a CD Ladder will help you increase your savings and return on your money.
Simon Zhen
4 Tips How to Avoid Checking Overdraft Fees
To prevent that already expensive $4 cup of coffee from becoming a $39 cup of...
What to do When Your Bank Fails?
Learning that your bank has failed would certainly trigger concern for most...
How to Mint a Money-Savvy Child
Making wise money decisions is important at all stages of life, but it becomes even more crucial when you enter parenthood. Learn how to Raise a Money-Savvy Child.
Simon Zhen
What Banks Do Not Charge a Monthly Service Fee?
Simon Zhen
What Happens to Inactive Bank Accounts
Having a bank account go dormant may be a rare occurrence, but it happens to many...
What Happens When a Bank Fails
"Bank Failure" is a pretty self explanatory phrase, and with 129 bank failures on the...
How to Set SMART Financial Goals
Simon Zhen
How to Save Your Tax Refund in Series I U.S. Savings Bonds
Find out how you can use your tax refund to purchase Series I savings bonds from the U.S. Treasury as an additional way that you can grow savings.
Simon Zhen
Saving for College: Coverdell Education Savings Account or 529 College Savings Plan?
Getting a head start on saving for your child’s college education is an important step...