Articles by Kali Hawlk
Why Is My Credit Score Low?
Having a low credit score can impact you in many different ways. But why is your credit score low in the first place? Learn all the reasons you might have a low score.
Kali Hawlk
What Is Chip and PIN Authentication?
In Europe, chip-and-PIN credit cards are the standard -- for roughly 10 years...
How to Prevent Credit Card Fraud
It’s often said prevention is the best medicine. When it comes to your financial...
What Is a Reason Code (and How Does it Impact Your Credit Score)?
Want to know why your credit score is what it is? This code is your key to finding out.
Kali Hawlk
How Long Does It Take to Pay Off a Credit Card?
Credit cards can be useful tools. But if those credit cards turn into credit card debt, they can be difficult to pay off. Make sure you have a plan in place.
Kali Hawlk
What Happens If I Can't Pay My Credit Card Bill
There’s nothing scarier than getting hit with a bill so high you don’t think you...
How to Build a Good Credit Score with a Credit Card
Talking about credit cards often leads to warnings about an easy slide into debt....
What Is a Credit Utilization Ratio?
If you’ve been looking at your credit report, you’ve probably seen the term credit utilization ratio. Here’s what it is and how it can impact your credit score.
Kali Hawlk