How to Comfortably Retire On A Million Dollars: Is it Possible?
Those who are fortunate enough to still be holding on to stable jobs at these financially-challenging economic times have another major concern to ponder over – preparing for retirement. The main question here is: How much is enough to retire? One million is the magic number that most employees typically aim for, but would this amount suffice?
Of course, there is no hard and fast answers to these questions as the amount of one's nest egg would depend on a lot of factors. Here's a rundown of some of the basic issues that will help you plan out your life after retirement.

The Importance of Being Debt-Free
First, you have to determine whether you can make full use of the million dollars in question. If you still have your mortgage to pay off or credit card debts that have accumulated over time, then you will actually be retiring with less than a million in cash. It is therefore crucial that even while you are still receiving a paycheck from month to month, you do not only save up for retirement, but also manage your debt payments so that you will be completely debt-free by the time you leave your work for good.
Determining Your Investment Income
If you get a 4% income on your nest egg annually, which many financial advisers recognize as a prudent estimate or the "safe withdrawal rate", your $1M retirement fund can provide you with an income of $40k per year, or $3,333 per month. Adjusting for inflation, and taking into account the performance of your investment portfolio and the possibility that you might be getting less than $1M after paying off all debts, say $750,000, you can still safely spend about $2,500 to $4,000 per month.
Creating a Retirement Budget
Now as to how far a monthly income of $2,500 to $4,000 would go would depend on your living expenses by that time. Creating a retirement budget would give you a clearer idea as to where a $1M retirement could really take you. To do this, simply list down all monthly expenditures you would incur if you were to retire at this time
Bear in mind that with retirement also comes the freedom from many monetary obligations, allowing you greater control of your income even if it is considerably less than what you may be presently earning. For instance, you would be doing away with work-related costs such as transportation and work attire expenses. You will no longer be paying down mortgage as well (assuming you pay it up), or saving up for retirement. This would leave you with just the basic expenses like food and health insurance. Then again, you may have to up your expenses for leisurely activities as vacations and entertainment costs.
More on Health Insurance
Some individuals are fortunate enough to have been afforded continued health benefits through their former employers, but sadly, majority of retirees have to spend for health insurance themselves. Note that health care costs don't come cheap these days so this could take up a big chunk of your retirement expenses. Those who retire at an older age would have less to worry about in this aspect however, as they would be eligible for Medicare at the age of 65.
Is it possible to retire on a million dollars? With a nest egg in this amount, the monthly income you stand to receive could already afford you with a comfortable enough life particularly if you live outside metropolitan areas, although not a lavish one of course. Still, your state of health and lifestyle are the biggest factors that may or may not allow you to live on a retirement of one million dollars.