MyBankTracker Blog
7 Ways to Save on Summer Camp Costs
For many parents looking to keep their children busy during the summer months, overnight camps are an attractive option. Here's how you can save on costs.
Daryl Paranada
How to Get a Near-Perfect FICO 9 Bankcard Score: One Woman's Story
There are advantages to maintaining a pristine credit profile. Primarily, having...
How to Find Lost or Unclaimed Money?
You could have unclaimed money sitting around -- and not even know it. According...
5 Lessons Learned About Renting to Friends and Living Above Them
Being a landlord is an important responsibility. Learn about what it's like to rent an apartment to friends, and renting an apartment to others.
Shirley Pulawski
10 Situations When You Should Expect the Awkward Money Talk
There's is no easy way to bring up money. But, we all have to get down to business. Here are 10 situations when you should expect the awkward money talk.
Destiny Lopez
7 Things You're Overpaying for on Vacation
Most of us accept that vacationing is inevitably going to be expensive -- but is that...
My Foreclosure House: How I Began Fixing Up My Home
When I left off in this series, I got the keys to my dream home that I bought on...
12 Baby Products Not Worth the Money
New parents want their baby to have everything they need. And they do mean everything. Here are 12 baby products that new parents blow their money on.
Destiny Lopez
Why Rewards Checking Accounts Are Not for Everyone
Simon Zhen
Are Banks Closed on Cinco de Mayo?
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Cinco de...
5 Ways to Prepare for Life After College (Before You Graduate)
Graduation season is upon us, and although many grads are excited about what the...
Do You Have a Credit Score Below 600? What You Should Expect
A credit score below 600 means your credit is in bad standing, limiting your financial. Learn what to expect and how to improve your credit score.
Gerald Morales
How Does the FICO 9 Bankcard Score Differ From a FICO Credit Score?
The FICO 8 Bankcard Score is one of many types of FICO credit scores -- see how they differ and how it measures your credit profile.
Simon Zhen
Millennials, Straight Ahead! 10 Steps to Financial Security
Everyone seems to have something to say about Millennials. Generation Y grew up in...
10 Ways to Cut Down on Summer Energy Costs
For East Coasters (including New Yorkers), the upcoming summer couldn't be any...
Deposits That Qualify for Next-Day Fund Availability
Depending on the type of deposited item, your funds may be on hold. Find out the deposits with next-day fund availability at banks and credit unions.
Theresa Kim
From Tow Truck Drivers to Gardeners: How Much Should You Tip?
You know you should tip your waiter, but what about your landlord's gardener? Think about who you should tip and why in this article.
Gerald Morales
What to Do if You Don't Have a College Fund for Your Child
Paying for the total cost of your child's college education can be a difficult task to...
What Are the Benefits of Having a Credit Score Between 700 and 750?
Have you recently worked your way to achieve a credit score between 700 and...
Closing On My Foreclosure Dream Home
The closing process on a foreclosure home is different than closing on a traditional home sale where mortgages are involved.
Shirley Pulawski
Finding My Dream Foreclosure House
How I found and bought a nice fixer-upper DIY house on foreclosure and later sold it for a profit. How to buy a cheap foreclosure and make money.
Shirley Pulawski
10 Smarter Ways to Spend the Average Wedding Budget
From a small courthouse ceremony to a 300-person gala, it all adds up. The U.S....
Cheers! 7 Ways to Save on the Price of Drinks
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Restaurants, airlines, and bars are feeling...
Are Banks Closed on Easter Monday?.
Find out if banks in the United States will be open on Easter Monday, the day after Easter Sunday, as you may be worried that branches are closed.
Theresa Kim
10 Expensive Celebrity Business Failures
See the following 10 failed celebrity business ventures.
Katherine Muniz
Credit Cards & Loans for Those With Credit Score 600 to 650
Fico credit score ranges 600-650
It's not often that people think about their...
10 Money Scams Aimed at Senior Citizens
The older people get, the more vulnerable they become to fraud. According to the...
Expecting a Tax Refund? Don’t Worry About Missing the Filing Deadline
Missing the tax-filing deadline is fine for the many taxpayers who are expecting a tax refund for the year.
Simon Zhen
The Money Coach Answers Your Burning Financial Questions
The Money Coach answers ten burning financial questions ranging from buying your first car to investments.
Destiny Lopez