Savings Account FAQs & Basics
4 Savings Strategies for People with Low Income
If you don't have high income, learn about the different ways that you can still build up your savings to reach your financial goals.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How Immigrants Can Open a Bank Account Without a Social Security Number
If you’ve recently moved to the United States, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed...
Should Couples Open Joint Savings Accounts?
Among the things that couples disagree or argue about, money is a top...
Should You Create a Pet Emergency Fund?
Review your finances to see if an emergency fund for your pet makes sense. Find out how much should be in this pet emergency fund and where to keep it.
John Csiszar
Can You Use a Money Market Account for an Emergency Fund?
See if you should keep your emergency fund in a money market account, which has key differences from a typical savings account.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
The Best Savings Options to Beat Inflation
If you’re saving and investing money, one constant challenge is...
How to Prepare Financially for Losing Your Job
Sometimes, it’s clear you’re about to lose your job before it even...
6 Ways You Can Set Up Savings for Your Grandchildren
Learn about the different ways that a grandparent can help save for the financial future of their grandchildren, whether it be for general use or education.
Lance Cothern
How to Choose the Right Savings Account as a College Student
Learn the different factors that you should consider when you're looking to open the best savings account as a college student, including fees, rates, and more.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How to Choose the Best Online Savings Account for You
Online banks have become popular in recent years for a number of reasons....
Savings Accounts vs. Bond Funds & ETFs: Which is Better?
Everyone needs to have a corner of their savings or investment portfolio that is...
6 Savings Account Fees You Need to Know About
Be aware of the different types of fees that a bank could charge on a savings account. Find out why they are being charged, how much they cost, and what you can do to avoid them. Learn about online banks that are able to offer significantly higher savings rates without expensive fees.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Why Were You Denied a Savings Account?
Find out why you could have been rejected for a savings account. Learn about ChexSystems and how banks use it when you submit an application.
Valerie Ashton
Compounding Interest Daily vs. Monthly: What’s Better for Your Savings?
When you open a savings account, CD, or another interest-bearing account, you’ll...
The Differences Between Money Market Accounts and Money Market Funds
Money market accounts and money market funds are two different types of accounts...
Emergency Fund Calculator: Find Out Your Ideal Safety Net
Find out how much money you should keep in an emergency fund, based on your monthly essential living expenses, to help survive unexpected expenses.
Krista Baum
What is the Average Interest Rate on Savings Accounts?
Find out what the national average interest rate is on savings account in the United States. Compare the APYs provided from different financial institutions, including national banks, online banks, and credit unions. Learn how to build your savings balance faster without facing expensive account fees.
Valencia Patrice Higuera
Savings Account vs. Money Market Account: Which Is Better?
Savings accounts and money market accounts are options if you’re looking for a...
Do You Have to Keep a Minimum Balance at a Credit Union?
Security Service Federal Credit Union Branch
Credit unions operate much like banks....
How to Open a Savings Account with Bad Credit
Find how your bad credit affects your chances of being approved for a new savings account. Learn what you can do to increase the likelihood that your credit score will not stop you from opening a new bank account.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Do Savings Accounts Have Routing Numbers?
Find out whether your savings accounts have routing numbers, which are important for identifying your account when it comes to transactions and transfers. Combined with your account number, it helps other financial institutions to identify your account so that the money is moving correctly.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
Can You Get a Debit Card on a Savings Account?
It’s very common to wonder whether you can get a debit card for your savings...
What Banks Do With the Money in Your Savings Account
That old adage of how a penny saved is a penny earned is exactly how banks make...
What is the Maximum Amount You Can Have in a Savings Account?
Find out whether there is a maximum amount that you can deposit in a savings accounts and what the high balance means for your money and its safety.
Thomas (TJ) Porter
How Much Money Should You Keep in a Savings Account?
Find out exactly how much money you should keep in your savings accounts when it comes to emergency funds, home down payments, savings goals and more.
Paul Sisolak
What's the Most Amount of Cash You Can Withdraw at Once?
You need a large sum of money from the bank and you're worried that the bank won't...
How Does FDIC Deposit Insurance Work With Bank Accounts?
When you put your hard-earned money in the bank, you want to know that it will be...
The Best Savings Accounts for Your Kids
Find out which kids savings accounts are the best for your children. Learn how to use them to teach strong financial habits when they're still young.
Simon Zhen
The Difference Between Regular Savings Account and Health Savings Account (HSA)
Learn the differences between a regular savings account and a health savings accounts. Find out how to save more money with these types of accounts.
Paul Sisolak